
Very rapid response with short lead times. Full adaptability to client needs.


Proven global deployment capacity. Portable rigs & equipment. Do not need to get the vehicle to the lab, we get the lab to your home.


Accredited center with extensive homologation in laboratory and in field test services.


More than 40 years of testing experience in wide spectrum of different fields and sectors.


Cetest - GLOBAL

5 continents presence


CETEST participates and is an active player in the testing of some of the most significant projects all over the world.

We are used to work with different standards, particularities of projects and clients, and multiple network conditions, as well as to manage service deployment, equipment installation, test scheduling changes, etc… on any circumstance.

CETEST organization has been designed to respond to these challenging situations with a self motivated team and well designed internal procedures to give the best service anywhere, anytime.

Cetest - RAIL



CETEST has been present on rail sector more than 40 years.

This experience has been spread on all market segments, from metro, tram, regional/commuter and high-speed passenger vehicles as well as freight wagons and special maintenance rolling stock vehicles.

Along our history, we have been involved in projects with a diverse type of clients. Car and component manufacturers, operators, infrastructure managers…

Our services include an extensive and complete test homologation package in addition to full range of consultancy projects focused on problem analysis and resolution. We combine state-of-the-art facilities and test benches with a flexible portable field testing deployment capacity.

Cetest - AERO



CETEST brings to different sectors the skills and capacities of a world class leader in testing of vehicles and complex systems.

Accredited to standard EN 9100 as well as to ISO 17025 standard for test laboratories, we offer our clients’ services for the verification and validation of their designs. Our value proposition combines state-of-the art facilities, instrumentation and control and tailored made solutions.

We cover different fields of expertise, always related with a broad knowledge of the test procedures and standards.

Aeronautics and wind energy sector are some of the sectors where we are developing test and R&D projects for our clients’.

Fully accredited TEST LABORATORY

Cetest: Instrumented pantograph


The interaction with the overhead line and the pantograph is the key interface between the electric vehicle and superstructure.

At CETEST we have developed a proprietary instrumentation system able to accurately measure contact forces proven up to speeds above 350 km/h. The use of this instrumentation permits us to perform the current collection quality testing according to EN 50367, TSI 1301/2014 and TSI 1302/2014.

Cetest: Bogie fatigue test


Our laboratory is accredited to accomplish bogie and bolster fatigue test according to EN 13749, UIC 514-4 and UIC 614-4.

At CETEST, we have several test rigs to simulate operational life in a short period of time. We simulate the real running conditions as well as other component influence, through the application of vertical, lateral, roll, yaw, brake loads, and multiple combinations.

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